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Where ideas are born, and articles come to life.

Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin

How to Speak Politely and Soften your Language

Some circumstances call for soft, delicate, polite language. Sensitivity or care is required. For non-native speakers, it can be a tricky skill to master; while the nuances are subtle, the impact can be huge. Here’s one way to speak with more sensitivity today.

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Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin

5 Simple Ways to Make your English more Inclusive

You might or might not be surprised to hear that non-native English speakers are often excluded from situations, conversations and decisions - with far-reaching implications. This blog suggests 5 adjustments to make your English more inclusive.

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Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin

5 Easy Ways to Handle Disruptions

Disruptions are part of life, part of business, and part of speaking English. If that’s the case, disruptions should not surprise us or throw us off. Rather, we should anticipate and plan for them. Here’s how.

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Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin

The 5 C’S for Engagement when Communicating

Engagement is key - whether when leading meetings, when public speaking or simply when sharing an idea. Without it, there is no buy-in, no dialogue, no creativity, no innovation. This blog explores 5 simple ways to boost engagement.

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Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin

How to Structure your Communication, so People will Listen

Do you struggle to get your message across? Do you find it difficult to engage your audience? Do you start to speak and forget what you wanted to say? Do you think your communication lacks impact and influence? This blog post has the solution for you.

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Jennifer Martin Jennifer Martin

How to Increase your Impact when you Speak

Impact starts with attention. If you want to increase your level of impact when you speak, start with getting and sustaining attention. This blog explores the theory of the Primacy-Recency Effect as well as giving practical examples to put into action.

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