The 3 Components your Communication *must* have.

What is the ultimate goal of communication? Why do you really speak? When you talk, why do you do so? Knowing why you are communicating is crucial – it dictates your tone, language selections, and ensures your stay on track with your points. All effective communication shares 3 things in common:

1. Information

2. Emotion

3. Action

Think about it – do you ever really take a moment to consider the aim of your communication? The ultimate goal of communication, is to transmit something – information or a feeling – and/or to inspire action. If this does not occur, has the communication truly been effective?

Pause. Consider.

Before starting that interview with the journalist, before sharing news with your team, before speaking to your audience, before addressing the board, before giving feedback - ask yourself these three simple questions:

1. Information – what do I want them to know?

2. Emotion – what do I want them to feel?

3. Action – what do I want them to do?

Taking a moment to reflect on these three questions will subconsciously ensure you keep your communication on track when you are under the pressure of the moment. When you know your communication “why”, the “how” often takes care of itself, and communication becomes much easier.

Under pressure, can’t think of the 3 points? Remember the acronym IEA:

In Every Address (there is) Information Emotion Action

I urge you, take this tactic into a conversation or meeting today, and road-test it. What’s the worst that can happen?! Practice makes better.


How to Disagree (without saying “I disagree”).


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