How to Keep Conversation going

Keeping conversation going can be more challenging as a non-native speaker. But, as part of our training, we focus on breaking it down to a set of language skills you need, rather than becoming overwhelmed with the vague task of “conversing.”

Here are some areas we recommend focusing on, to get the most out of the conversations you find yourself in, and some accompanying example sentences or reactions:



  • That’s really interesting.

  • I never knew that.

  • That’s the first time I’ve heard that.

  • That’s news to me!

  • Really?! That’s fascinating.

  • Tell me more..

  • You’re kidding! No way!

  • You’re right.

  • That’s true. 

Ask Open questions (avoid closed questions)

  •  What are your thoughts on…?

  • What is your opinion of… ?

  • How do you feel about… ?

  • What are your views on… ?

  • What’s your perspective on… ?

  • What’s your take on…?

Add a personal anecdote

  • That reminds me of…

  • That makes me think of…

  • That really jogs my memory and makes me think of..,

  • That brings me back to when I…


  • I see what you mean.

  • I see what you’re saying.

  • I get you.

  • I get your point.

  • I hear what you’re saying. 

Give your opinion

  • From my perspective…

  • As far as I’m concerned…

  • Professionally speaking…

  • To the best of my knowledge…

  • In my opinion…

  • I believe / think / feel...

  • I’m convinced…

Express your leaning – Agreement

  • My thoughts entirely! I agree.

  • I couldn’t have put it better myself.

  • I share your opinion on that.

  • You’ve hit the nail on the head!

  • My sentiments exactly.

Express your leaning – Disagreement 

  • I can’t agree.

  • I think we may have to agree to disagree.

  • I’m not quite convinced.

  • I don’t think we see eye to eye on that point.

  • I have to take issue with you on…

  • I don’t think we’re on the same page.

 Check understanding 

  • If I’ve understood well, you’re saying…?

  • Am I right in understanding…?

  • Can I clarify what you mean by…?

Of course, a conversation is a free-flowing thing, and anything can come up. What else would you add to this list, in order to best equip yourself and be prepared?


T time : 10 Professional Idioms that begin with T.


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